Gift Tags

Gift tag featuring a picture of cheetahs. Gift tag featuring a picture of a winter scene.
Gift tag featuring a picture of a snowflake. Gift tag featuring a picture of dogs having a party and the word 'celebrate'.

Gift Tags are a popular holiday product!

Featuring each participating child's artwork with "to" and "from" fields, Gift Tags add personal style to the gift-giving season. Is your organization looking for labels to use for fundraising? Consider these personalized Gift Tags in addition to our other stationery fundraising products.

Gift Tags

12 gift tags featuring each participating child's work of art, 3 in. by 4 in., packaged in a crystal clear bag. Peel & stick.
Suggested Selling Price $14
Cost $10
Your Profit $4
Pricing above is for schools & organizations running a KidsArt fundraiser, excludes tax, and includes shipping & handling. Pricing valid through December 31, 2022. Product images not to scale.
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